Sleep 101: A Crash Course for Increasing Productivity, Health, and Well-Being

By - Georgetown McDonough


In this 90-minute webinar, attendees will learn what happens overnight to their body and mind and why prioritizing sleep can increase productivity, health, and well-being, allowing them to thrive as leaders at their workplace, in their homes, and in their communities. We will discuss the following questions: What does sleep do for you? What happens to your body when you don’t get enough sleep? Why are none of us getting enough? What minor and major changes can you make to have noticeable improvements in your sleep? Led by Kristen Rainey CEO, Northstar Sleep School and host, Northstar Unplugged Podcast


Kristin Rainey Founder and Ceo of the North Star Sleep School
Kristin Rainey Founder and Ceo of the North Star Sleep School
10 min
My Best Night of Sleep
My Best Night of Sleep
10 min
Matthew Walker
Matthew Walker
2 min
Stages of Sleep
Stages of Sleep
3 min
Glial Cells
Glial Cells
1 min
How Sleep Deprivation Impacts Learning and Memory
How Sleep Deprivation Impacts Learning and Memory
1 min
Connection between Sleep and Eating Habits
Connection between Sleep and Eating Habits
1 min
Interfere with Our Sleep
Interfere with Our Sleep
3 min
2 min
Switch Your Device to the Night Mode
Switch Your Device to the Night Mode
48 sec
Blue Blocker Glasses
Blue Blocker Glasses
43 sec
Circadian Rhythm
Circadian Rhythm
2 min
Is Taking a Melatonin Supplement a Good Idea
Is Taking a Melatonin Supplement a Good Idea
5 sec
1 min
What Is a Sleep Schedule That Might Work for You this Week
What Is a Sleep Schedule That Might Work for You this Week
51 sec
A Wind Down Routine
A Wind Down Routine
54 sec
Suggestions for a Wind Down Routine
Suggestions for a Wind Down Routine
1 min
Sleep Stories
Sleep Stories
2 min
No Snacks after 8 Pm
No Snacks after 8 Pm
49 sec
1 min
How Does the Calm Magnesium Supplement Differ from Regular Magnesium Supplement Pills
How Does the Calm Magnesium Supplement Differ from Regular Magnesium Supplement Pills
2 min
What Are some Tips To Keep a Cool Room
What Are some Tips To Keep a Cool Room
24 sec
Cooling Mattresses
Cooling Mattresses
41 sec
Advice on Making It Easier To Get Up in the Morning
Advice on Making It Easier To Get Up in the Morning
2 min
White Noise
White Noise
38 sec
Night Shifts
Night Shifts
59 sec
Eye Mask
Eye Mask
1 min
Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent Fasting
1 min
How Long Does It Take To Retrain Our Sleep Cycle if We Change Countries Jobs or Life Cycles
How Long Does It Take To Retrain Our Sleep Cycle if We Change Countries Jobs or Life Cycles
35 sec
Prepare Your Body a Few Nights before a Trip
Prepare Your Body a Few Nights before a Trip
2 min
Should We Put Blackout Shades in Our Kids Rooms
Should We Put Blackout Shades in Our Kids Rooms
22 sec
What Does the Research Show about Using Cbd To Improve Sleep
What Does the Research Show about Using Cbd To Improve Sleep
52 sec
What Do You Do if You Wake Up Halfway through the Night Full of Adrenaline no Caffeine in the Day
What Do You Do if You Wake Up Halfway through the Night Full of Adrenaline no Caffeine in the Day
2 min
Is There a Preferred Way To Quit Sleep Aids
Is There a Preferred Way To Quit Sleep Aids
52 sec
Essential Oil Suggestions
Essential Oil Suggestions
27 sec
How To Best Address Thirst in the Middle of the Night
How To Best Address Thirst in the Middle of the Night
1 min
Consistency Is Critical
Consistency Is Critical
57 sec
7 sec
Six Weeks to Better Sleep
Six Weeks to Better Sleep
2 min
Ceo of Chili Sleep
Ceo of Chili Sleep
1 min
Do I Have any Privacy Concerns with Biometric Trackers
Do I Have any Privacy Concerns with Biometric Trackers
1 min
What Is the Impact of Sleep of Emf
What Is the Impact of Sleep of Emf
58 sec
How Do You Track Your Sleep with All the Devices Off
How Do You Track Your Sleep with All the Devices Off
49 sec
Do I Recommend Afternoon Power Naps
Do I Recommend Afternoon Power Naps
1 min
How Long before Bed Should We Stop Looking at Tv Devices
How Long before Bed Should We Stop Looking at Tv Devices
45 sec
Are Blue Light Glasses Actually Beneficial to Negating Blue Light and Providing Better Sleep
Are Blue Light Glasses Actually Beneficial to Negating Blue Light and Providing Better Sleep
1 min
What Are the Ties To Sleep and Mental Health Issues
What Are the Ties To Sleep and Mental Health Issues
1 min
How Important Is Vitamin D Um versus Natural Sunlight
How Important Is Vitamin D Um versus Natural Sunlight
3 min
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